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Healthy Kickers Nutrition Advice

Food Guidelines to follow:

Premier League football is a dynamic, powerful sport. Professional players need to be lean and athletic. They eat a clean, balanced diet with a healthy mixture of vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. Cruz Sports Coaching is here to provide you with healthy guidelines to most footballers’ success. Footballers must reduce the amount of junk food such as, biscuits, chocolates and fizzy drinks they eat to perform well on in training and matches (BBC 2018).

Knowing what, how much and when you should eat can give you an edge on the pitch.

• Carbohydrates

• Protein

After training, football players need to replace lost energy with carbohydrate foods, such as pasta and rice, and foods rich in good fats, such as nuts and seeds. They also need to rebuild damaged muscle tissue with protein- rich foods such as reduced-fat milk (Department of Health & Human Service 2018).


Young football players need a great quantity of energy to fuel the stop and start action of football. Carbohydrates are a vital source of energy for their body. It should about 45-65% of their daily caloric intake. Not all Carbohydrates are good for us. For example, whole-grain products usually contain more fibres, vitamins, and minerals than refined alternatives. Identify whole-grain breads, pastas, crackers, and cereals that are somewhat low in fat and added sugar. Other healthy sources of carbohydrates include unsweetened fruits and vegetables, including beans and other legumes. If you don’t take on any carbohydrates, your stores will be completely depleted once you’ve reached 70 or 80 minutes. As soon as this happens you don’t have the energy to perform high intensity exercise. This is known as hitting the wall during endurance exercise. Fried potatoes, pastries, cakes, and other junk foods are often high in calories but low in vitamins and minerals. These unhealthy sources of carbohydrates can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Football players who are overweight may tire more easily and have less endurance on the field. High-fat foods also take the longest to digest and may reduce your child’s stamina during

practice and games. Encourage your child to limit junk food in their diet, while eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (Healthline Media 2018).


Protein is another essential nutrient in your child’s diet. It helps them build and repair muscle, which is especially important for athletes. About 10–15% of an athlete’s caloric intake

should come from protein, advises the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

For more information nutrition, please contact us!

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